This is one cruciferous vegetable that has made a major comeback in the cooking world. No matter your food preference, cauliflower is on the scene and ready to entice, mashed, riced, cut into “steaks”, pizza crust, roasted, or just popped in your mouth it is here to stay. But the big question…
The big question…
…how do you cut cauliflower?
Well, I’m here to show you it is easier than it looks. The recipe will determine how careful to cut the head. The recipe you want to create will resolve the questions, how big do I cut the cauliflower and how do I cut it?
Size Matters!
Size matters when it comes to cooking these beauties. Whether you are roasting, steaming or sautรฉing the size of the florets needs to be similar so cooking times are consistent.
Cooking Tip:
Plan on roasting the cauliflower? Place the larger pieces on the outside edges of the cooking sheet. The outer edges of the sheet will cook hotter, hence, keeping the cooking time consistent since it is virtually impossible to make them all the same size.
Time to Get Started
One recipe that will get you up and running is; Roasted Cauliflower. This is an easy basic recipe that can be created with a multitude of flavor profiles. Making the cauliflower into tacos, use taco seasoning. If you’re going to make some delicious cauliflower buffalo wings then make or buy a savory sauce. If your plan is to rice the cauliflower just chop away. Main dish or side, delicious every time.
How to Roast Cauliflower
Just remember to have some fun in the kitchen, don’t stress, it will be great! Subscribe, share, and let me know how “YOU” made it your own!